Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mama's first photo shoot of her stomping grounds in C-burg

I added my favorite shot of the day first!

The girls  in front of my dad's birth home.

Love that adorable smile....

Another one of my beautiful first born...


The entrance to my development.

This eagle and I spent many a cold morning waiting together for the school bus!

The Igloo was the "go to" ice cream shop when I was a little girl. It's getting renovated and will soon reopen; I can't wait to take the kids there!

I spent many Friday nights and Saturday afternoons at the Red Bridge Roller Rink!!!

 I worked at the Olympia Ice Cream Parlor, which is now closed. We visited the Candy Kitchen instead and had equal amounts of fun with less calories!!!

So many choices!

My sweets begging for free treats!!!

The lady actually gave them a sample after the photo shoot!

My daddy worked for F & M Trust Company. It was so weird to have the girls take this many memories!

Tickling the ivories in front of the piano studio where I took lessons every Saturday morning at 9am for 9 years!   

My home church growing up~ I played tag at this spot every Wednesday night after choir practice. Todd and I were married here, too.

So cute....

My second favorite shot of the day...

I love the sunshine on Ellie's hair here.

My brother broke his leg here one Christmas Eve when the cable used to hold the log at the entrance broke and crushed his foot. It was later replaced by the metal gate, but the girls have given it an unequivocal  'thumbs down' in honor of their beloved Uncle Matt!

My third favorite of the day. Again, love the way the sun caught the curls in El's hair.

1 comment:

Emmie said...

Awww looks like so much fun! Lovely pictures of the girls, too!!!! :)