Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Squish" ,Salads and Sisters

Ellie asked Sophie the other day if she wanted a nickname. 

Sophie said she did and Ellie proceeded to ask her what her favorite thing was. 

Sophie replied, " Squid." 

Ellie didn't think she wanted to call her "Squid," but "Squish" was close.

 So I will be referring to her from now on, affectionately, as "Squish."

Squish has continued to soar academically. She read through her first little reading book and LOVED it. She begged to read it from cover to cover and start her "e" book. I have introduced cursive writing and spelling this week; she did well and loved both. Man, is she easy to teach!!!

Squish is continuously asking about spiritual things. I hope I can remember each of the following inspiring conversations:

"Where is Big Gram?" she asked.

"In heaven," I answered.

" Why heaven you get to see Jesus," inquired Sophie.

"Because that's where He lives," I answered.

"That where God is, too?" she asked.

I proceeded to talk about the very hard concept of the Trinity, explaining the roles of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit in the simplest terms.

After pondering...

"So, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all one and different," she finally responded.

"Yep, you got it!"

The other day while in the kitchen she asked why she should want to go to heaven.

We explained that we disobey God and Jesus took our punishment.We're so grateful to him and know we need/want him to obey. Heaven is for people who have Jesus as their Savior.

"Where you go if not to heaven?" Sophie asked.

"To a place where God isn't...called hell," I said.

"What you do there?" She asked.

"Cry and hurt all the time, like the ulcer you have on your tongue." Shane said.

"Eat what???" she pondered, ".....this  salad?"  ( pointing to the tossed salad sitting in front of her on the bar) 

"Yep, all green veggies!!!!" we all laughed, hysterically!!!

"Sophie no like hell!"

Today we were praying for a friend while in the bathroom brushing my teeth. 

She took my hand, pulling me to my love seat in the bedroom. 

"Come here, Mama. I need to talk to you." 

I sat down and she leaned intently into my face and said,  "Why did Jesus die on the cross and why can't I kahn ( see in Chinese) him?!!" 

"Can you see Grammy right now?" I asked her. 


"No, because she lives in another house. Jesus lives in another house up in heaven and He's making us a house so we can live w/ Him when we die,. But we can talk to Him just like we talk to Grammy. When we talk to Jesus, it's called praying" I said. 

"I want to live in this house in heaven," she said.

I told her that I understood that she liked this house, but that she would like the house that Jesus is making her. 

I told her that once she was at her new house, she wouldn't want to come back to this house. 

Sad, pouty face. "But I really like me (still working on pronouns)house."

I then asked her if she wanted to go back to her China house and she exclaimed, "No." 

"It's the same thing. Once you came here, you liked this house better."

"Oh, okay."

She was quiet for a moment......then....."What about my friends in China who don't know Jesus? Can they come here to me house?"

"Well," I said, "Ellie began praying for you to come home about 6 years ago." 

She exclaimed, " Why you not come get me then?!!!!"

"I didn't know about you till this past February. And then we had to fill out papers and your "i-e's" ( nannies in Chinese) had to fill out papers. I got there as fast as I could to get you!"

I said, "But if you want another brother or sister to come home so she can learn about Jesus, you can start to pray for him/her now and  God will hear you!"

Todd will be glad to hear about this conversation!!!! LOL

1 comment:

Amelia said...


I have been checking this everyday and waiting for the updates.. I lovelove the blogs you make!!!

~~Amelia (your neighbor)